Thursday, 16 August 2018


Most Holy Trinity
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

We adore and thank you for the blessings received throughout our lives, especially for the gift of this day.

Blessed be the One True God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Most Holy Trinity we offer you through the hands of Mary Queen of Apostles our thoughts, words, works and sufferings of this day.

We renew our resolve to grow to be more perfect in your love so that our community, united by the Love of the Father, the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, may be totally committed to the work of the catholic apostolate.

We ask you to assist our Pope Francis and we join with him in prayer for the universal apostolate, for our Christian brothers and sisters, for those who profess a different faith, for those who do not believe in you and for all the peoples of the world.

We entrust our community to your Infinite Love: the individual members and their superiors, the communities, regions and provinces.

Watch over bishops, priests, sisters, brothers and all religious families in your Church.

Bless our relatives, friends and benefactors and all who have asked our prayers.

Through your Infinite Mercy recall to your love all who have strayed; and grant eternal life in  your kingdom to our deceased members and relatives and to all the faithful departed.

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